Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

the case of the mysterious clitic

What the fell is the clitic pronoun 'lo' doing in the following sentence, appeared in El País on February 1st 2009? (click here to see the original text):

Pudo ser una final más bonita, pero no lo hubiera podido ser más tensa y llena de alternativas.

Interesting fact, or mistake?? I'll think about it

Montmartre in January 2009.
Photo by Robert Landrito.

2 Kommentare:

Lluís hat gesagt…

I'd say, this person thought two different expressions and finally produced a kinda mixture.

From my point of view, this "lo" has no function in there. Of course I could be wrong.

Today I've read an interview to Everett in "Investigación y Ciencia" n.19,2006 and since then I'm questioning all I know and have learnt about structures. Maybe Everett is right after all. Don't you think?

Sure. I'm joking.

Lluís hat gesagt…

Idò no, tu tenies raó. I és més, no és una errada, sinó quelcom que sembla normal entre (qualcuns) castellans. Ho vaig sentir d'un reporter de futbol de "cuatro".

Així que, ja tenim tema de discussió.